Senin, 09 April 2018

10 traits of original Diamonds

Diamonds are not only beautiful, but also have a high selling value. Unfortunately, many fake diamonds are circulating in the market. Therefore, be careful when buying diamonds. So you do not be fooled, let's first identify the following 10  traits of original diamond.
10 traits of original Diamonds
10 traits of original Diamonds

  1.  Hard
    Diamonds are the hardest rocks on earth. If your diamond is damaged or split when it gets a slight collision, then surely the diamond you have is a fake diamond.
  2. Have a variety of colors
    Diamonds not only have clear color, but also come in different colors. Well, pink, yellow, and blue diamonds are a rare type of diamond. So, do not be fooled when the jewelry seller says the diamond he sells is a rare diamond but has a color other than pink, yellow, and blue.
  3. Can Scratch Anything
    Because diamond is the hardest object on earth, so diamond can scratch any object. How to prove the authenticity of your diamond is by scraping it into the glass. If the glass is scratched and your diamond is not damaged, then your diamond is an original diamond.
  4. Reflecting Not Clear
    During this time many may think that someone can see a thing through a diamond clearly. But in fact, the original diamonds do not have a clear reflection. If you put the original diamond on a newspaper, then the writing in the newspaper will not be seen clearly. Conversely, if you put a fake diamond on a newspaper, then the writing will read clearly. This is because the fake diamond is made of glass so that it can reflect the objects behind the fake diamond clearly.
  5. Gray Reflection
    Original diamonds can only provide reflections in gray only. If your diamond is able to reflect on various colors, then your diamond is a fake diamond
  6. Can not Fog
    Try breathing into your diamond. If the fog on a diamond disappears quickly, then the diamond is original. Whereas if the fog lasts for a few moments on the diamond, then it is certain the diamond is fake.
  7. Able to Reflect Light
    The original diamond can reflect light on each side, making it look glistening. While fake diamonds usually only look shiny at the top only.
  8. Can not be heated
    If you heat up your diamond and then the diamond feels hot, then the diamond is a fake diamond. Similar to fog, the original diamond can also dissipate heat quickly, so you will not feel hot or warm in your diamond.
  9. Not easily scratched
    The original diamond will not be easily scratched. If your diamond has a lot of scratches, then the diamond is a fake diamond.
  10. False Diamonds Float On Water
    To outwit buyers, sometimes diamond sellers combine real and fake diamonds at the bottom. To test the authenticity of your diamond, try dipping it into the water. If the diamond is floating, then the diamond is fake or has been put together with a fake diamond.

In addition to the above 10 features, most original diamonds are equipped with international certification, such as GIA certificates. Make sure the diamond you buy has the official certificate.
